
I work on politics, strategy and policy around frontier AI. Currently, that happens mostly via my writing and my work with KIRA. I have some background in economic, technology and security policy.

I’m also a doctoral student at Bayreuth University, supervised by Prof. Johanna Thoma, and a research affiliate with the MINT lab. My philosophical research focuses on aggregating collective preferences into action guidance for AI agents.

Feel free to reach out at anton[at]leicht[dot]me !

Recent Writing

My public writing has recently moved to Substack!

At KIRA, we recently released a comprehensive report on frontier AI policy in Germany (with Daniel Privitera).

You can find my latest op-ed with Tech Policy Press on the shortcomings of the last two years of frontier AI policy here.

You can find my latest blog post on the political implications of the inference scaling paradigm here.

I recently wrote down my view of AI lab corporate governance; some quick notes on the near-term future of AI development and policy, as well as some thoughts on the political pitfalls of AI evaluations.


Bayreuth & AN University

At Bayreuth University, I am a doctoral student in the philosophy department focusing on democratic governance of artificial intelligence. My supervisor is Prof. Johanna Thoma. I am also affiliated with Seth Lazar’s MINT lab at ANU.

I work with KIRA as a policy specialist, doing strategy, research and political outreach on AI policy in Germany and the EU.

KIRA - Center for AI Risks and Impacts

Berlin Global Advisors

Berlin Global Advisors is a Geopolitics and Government Affairs advisory firm. I worked on political analysis and lobbying surrounding legislative, legal and governmental processes in Berlin and Brussels, focusing on technology, economic and foreign policy.

Bundestag &

As a policy advisor in the Bundestag, Germany’s Federal Parliament, I worked on a range of topics, mostly in economic, geoeconomic and energy policy.

I worked on similar issues in the German Federal Government before.

London School of Economics

As a MSc student in Philosophy and Public Policy, I mostly thought about normative uncertainty, decision theory, population ethics and artificial intelligence. I wrote my MSc thesis on a novel democratic approach to normative uncertainty.

Competitive Debating

I was fairly active in competitive debating for a while. Next to some national and international competition, I served as vice-president and president to the Association of German-Speaking Debating Societies.

University of Münster

As a BA student in Philosophy, I read about a range of topics in philosophy and policy. I wrote my BA thesis on decision theory and moral uncertainty.