I’m a doctoral student at Bayreuth University, supervised by Prof. Johanna Thoma, and a research affiliate with the MINT lab. I work on the governance of advanced AI systems. My philosophical research focuses on aggregating collective preferences into action guidance for AI agents.
I have some background in economic, technology and security policy. I try to contribute my research and opinions to the policy process. Nowadays, that happens mostly via my work with KIRA.
Feel free to reach out at anton[at]leicht[dot]me !
Recent Writing
At KIRA, we recently released a comprehensive report on frontier AI policy in Germany (with Daniel Privitera).
You can find my latest op-ed with Tech Policy Press on the shortcomings of the last two years of frontier AI policy here.
I recently wrote down my view of AI lab corporate governance; some quick notes on the near-term future of AI development and policy, as well as some thoughts on the economic considerations surrounding artificial intelligence foundation model regulation in Europe.
Bayreuth & AN University
At Bayreuth University, I am a doctoral student in the philosophy department focusing on democratic governance of artificial intelligence. My supervisor is Prof. Johanna Thoma. I am also affiliated with Seth Lazar’s MINT lab at ANU.
I work with KIRA as a policy specialist, doing strategy, research and political outreach on AI policy in Germany and the EU.
KIRA - Center for AI Risks and Impacts
Berlin Global Advisors
Berlin Global Advisors is a Geopolitics and Government Affairs advisory firm. I worked on political analysis and lobbying surrounding legislative, legal and governmental processes in Berlin and Brussels, focusing on technology, economic and foreign policy.
As a policy advisor in the Bundestag, Germany’s Federal Parliament, I worked on a range of topics, mostly in economic, geoeconomic and energy policy.
I worked on similar issues in the German Federal Government before.
London School of Economics
As a MSc student in Philosophy and Public Policy, I mostly thought about normative uncertainty, decision theory, population ethics and artificial intelligence. I wrote my MSc thesis on a novel democratic approach to normative uncertainty.
Competitive Debating
I was fairly active in competitive debating for a while. Next to some national and international competition, I served as vice-president and president to the Association of German-Speaking Debating Societies.
University of Münster
As a BA student in Philosophy, I read about a range of topics in philosophy and policy. I wrote my BA thesis on decision theory and moral uncertainty.